
Lyrics To Judy's Song

Satisfactory Essays

My dear sweetheart, oh how I have missed you. My love for you is indescribable. Judy, I have loved you since you were “The little girl who… [was] eleven” (414). I still love you even throughout the rough years of you not being here with me. I have tried so hard to move on but I cannot. You know how I feel for you; I want to be with you for the rest of my life.
Judy, I have tried everything I can be move on but I cannot. I have been engaged and had to break up with my fiancé because the thoughts of my love for you will not go away. I know I “gave serious hurt to Irene” but I couldn’t help it, Judy(430). You’re everything I want. You’re beautiful and sweet. Everything about you calls my name. Asking for another chance would be kind of risky

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