
Major Depressive Disorder ( Depression )

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Major Depressive Disorder (Depression) is a mood disorder where a person has a constant feeling of sadness and complete loss of interest in everyday life. It is considered more serious than a case of the “blues” and might require long-term treatment. During major depressive disorder, the person thinks and behaves differently and may experience emotional and physical problems.
The exact cause has yet to be pinpointed. It is believed that specific neurotransmitters in the brain may stop acting the way they should and therefore affect the state of the individual’s mood. The impact of hormones is also called into question because hormone imbalances, for example pregnancy and thyroid dysfunction, are believed to cause depression. …show more content…

• Overwhelming feeling of sadness or hopelessness.
• Trouble concentrating and making decisions.
• Feelings of guilt, worthlessness and shame. Worrying over past indiscretions or failures.
• Slower thinking.
Many people with depression find that medications along with regular visits to a psychologist or psychiatrist are a very effective form of treatment.
Cognitive Therapy – this form of cognitive therapy starts out by educating the client on what may cause the depression and that negative thoughts should be redirected. The therapist teaches the client how to identify the bad thoughts as they occur throughout the day and the emotions that are associated with them. It is helpful because once the person can identify the negative thoughts, they can begin the steps to try to change them.
Family Therapy – this therapy should be considered if the affected individual’s depression begins to affect his/her family. This treatment creates a therapeutic environment for each person to discuss their feelings openly and encourage open communication between family members.
Hospitalization – in severe cases where a person with depression has expressed suicidal thoughts or even attempted suicide, an inpatient treatment program with constant monitoring can be very helpful.
Electroconvulsive Therapy/ Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation – this type of therapy is viewed as a last resort option. In ECT, a current is passed through the skull into the

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