
Make America Great Again Summary

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Simon Says Simon says, “Make America Great Again” Simon says “Don’t let THEM in” Simon says “Block the borders”. If Simon says to discriminate against a certain group, what is that called? Marginalization. Welcome to America, land of the Marginalized and Home of discrimination. The name of the game is to listen to everything that Simon says. Simon directs the audience to jump, the audience asks how high. At what point does the audience stop asking how high or how far to go. Simon has asked America to discriminate against people based on race, gender and religion, the question is does America listen or disobey. A common misconception that people from the Middle East are Muslim. Which allows the notion that Islam is synonymous to terrorism. The President of the United States has capitalized on this notion and used it as a weapon of hate. It’s clear that the president has specifically targeted this marginalized group of people due to his woeful ignorance, because of Donald Trump’s election and him directing his attention towards one specific race has been perceived as him normalizing the discrimination towards this group of people. With that being said he has initiated a certain …show more content…

This statement alone proves he is bias, therefore minimizing his credibility in this article when trying to address the situation. In the article Ahmed claims that allowing Islamics within our country is where all of the chaos started because “Islamism thrives in chaos” (Ahmed). Implying that by banning all Islamism’s we will be getting rid of majority of the “terrorist”. So what happens to those who have no affiliation with being a terrorist but still deal with the repercussions of just naturally being born

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