
Managerial Interview At National Grid

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Managerial Interview Vahram Dolukhanyan MGMT 415 Dr. Burt Reynolds June 2, 2015 I have been working at National Grid for about eight years after I graduated college. For most of that time my Manager has been Chris. Chris is a former Navy guy that joined National Grid after he finished with his tour. Like me, Chris also started in the design department and eventually moved to the manager position he is at now in Distribution Design. Our role here involves designing for infrastructure improvements, maintenance projects, customer initiated projects, internal projects, investigations, complaints, repairs, and emergencies within our service territory. We design both overhead and underground electrical facilities within our …show more content…

Since we are constantly working on projects our manager’s time is always monopolized by tasks that are affiliated with our designs. This includes emails, phone calls, meetings, approvals, reviews and etc. With this much work it’s not a surprise that he has to concentrate more on the present versus the future. However, the design team does have some long-term goals that it has to also meet. So it’s important for the managers to be well rounded. They need to be a good leader to make good and proper decisions. They need to manage their time properly to make sure everything they are responsible for can be done. Our director does most of the future planning work in the design department. I will talk a bit more about this topic later on in the paper and how it affects us. Since there are about 10 of us working under Chris we have an old work type of organization system within our department. I can say that the company is trying to move away from this type of organization. However, because we are in the union our department still runs on the old organization model. This has positives and also negatives that some people like and some don’t. Since I have been in the department for so long, I can say that there is a trend where people that like the new style of organization do tend to leave the department for a position within the company that is not part

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