
Margaret Mead Just War Theory

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Margaret Mead has concluded that a redundant amount of people have accepted inventions as attributes of humanity itself. In this case Mead stands against crowds who believe war is a biological necessity or a sociological inevitability, and argues that war is an invention of man caused by the aggression instinct. War has become such a habit of man that Just War Theory was created. This doctrine examines the principles of the right to go to war and the conduct that must be followed once engaged in war. Mead believes war is inevitable, unless war is destroyed by a better invention built through humanity itself. To understand war we must look at Just War Theory. The purpose of Just War Theory is to provide a model for states to behave when and …show more content…

She uses race war, nationalistic war, and class war all as examples of the different types of war of man. all of these different practices of war fall under the invention of warfare. Mead states that “simple people, and civilized peoples, mild peoples and violent, assertive peoples, will all go to war if they have the invention”(Margret Mead, Warfare is Only an Invention-Not a Biological Necessity). She supports this by showing that people who are accustomed to war will go to war, just like people who are accustomed to dueling will duel. Another example, Mead uses is how the Balinese register their quarrel in the temple before the gods the by result of this invention among their society. Instead of a duel or murder. Others simply do not have these among their society because they don't have the invention. Mead shows that cultures with the invention of warfare can only us warfare in two different ways, defensive warfare and aggressive warfare. The Pueblos are her first example and they believed war was undesirable and would use natural defenses in their favor. Since war was an invention amongst their community, it was an option for the Pueblo. Unlike the Lepchas, who would have submitted to their assailants. Meads second example was the Sioux and Maorimay who took desire in war and would raid, pillage, and sac other nearby villages. Both examples show how the presence in the invention of war in the past has shaped our history. For instance, Mead supports this by showing how fire, burial of the dead, and cremation of the dead are all inventions that were cemented in the past of humanity but are still practices used till this day. This still can’t cover the fact that war, fire, and sacred burial are all inventions of man and are not attributes of humanity

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