
Marketing Communication Campaign Made By Coca Cola

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1.Executive Summary The purpose of Integrated Marketing Communication Campaign made by Coca-Cola Zero implements to introduce the new and first innovation of advertising methods in order to let people try Coke Zero and recall the brand. Coca-Cola managed to summon as drinkable ad because it can be explaining as experiential marketing by providing a free 600ml Coke Zero. The primary target market is 18 to 34 years old male consumer. For this reason, this group of people are highest participation rate in physical activity and organised sport. Coca-Cola Zero believe the power of the press and traditional media relation although digital media are widely recognized. They take a challenge by using the marketing mix. For instance, broadcast media and mobile apps, using Shazam app to scan a Coke Zero TV commercial or record from the radio; billboard and sampling, billboard with serves a free Coke Zero; flyers and magazines that contain a straw and a cup and redeem from the retailer store. Although, the ads are creative and attractive but they various problem have to be mention. Coca-Cola is a big corporation product numbers of product, however ‘Drinkable ads’ video are confusing and misleading people between Coca-Cola and Coca-Cola Zero. Coca-Cola Zero are willing changing consumers’ attitudes or of translating these attitudes (cognitive, affective, and behavioural) into actual purchasing behaviour. In regards to the cognitive component, Coke Zero ad is fun, innovative,

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