
Marketing To Children Essay

Decent Essays

Compared to many other developed countries in the world, the United States has one of the lowest life expectancy ratings. Many factors contribute to this horrifying statistic, the main factor being the food Americans consume on a daily basis. Today, poor nutrition is backed by the wide range of strategies for marketing unhealthy foods. Marketing to children is shown to successfully draw in consumers of all ages. Parents and grandparents want to make their child happy, therefore allowing young kids to influence what food they buy. Although television advertisements aimed towards children generally increase a company’s revenue, the harmful effects of a child’s development through this practice threaten their ability to formulate an opinion …show more content…

Sandra Calvert, writer for The Future of Children Journal, explains some products such as cigarettes are banned from advertisements all together. Initially, when the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) decided cigarettes were a health hazard, they attempted to cut down on the advertisement of cigarettes by playing one public service announcement each time three cigarette commercials played (212-213). A similar strategy could be implemented for food marketing to children. Considering the majority of food products advertised to young people are sugary, unhealthy foods, the FCC should require one commercial dedicated to teaching children about the food pyramid for each of these unhealthy advertisements. This practice could lessen the rates of obesity and result in less “unhealthy weight control behaviors” among obese teens (American Psychology Association Editors). Similar to how they are begging for sugary foods they see on commercials, seeing healthy foods might urge them to beg for fruits and vegetables instead, thus leading to healthier generations. Although this would not completely eliminate a child’s exposure to advertisements of negative products, it would give the child more options to consider and make their own

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