
Essay on Markstrat Marketing Plan

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1.0 Executive Summary Company U’s primary focus is creating products that create value and fill a need in growing markets – it currently has three products. SUSI is the lower quality offering which focuses on weight and volume, marketed towards Singles and Others who are the most price-sensitive and are projected to have the highest growth rates over the next five years. SULI is the high quality electronic offering, distributed primarily to Professionals and High Earners who are driven by performance and convenience. VUGO is a product that was created for the Followers segment of the Vodite market which is projected to have the largest growth over the next five years at over 3300%. Followers require a high performing product, but at an …show more content…

2.1 Market Summary The Markstrat world has a population of 250 million people. Through Year 4, the Sonite market consisted of 1.67 million people with an expected growth rate of 53% over the next five years. In order to meet the needs of consumers in the larger growing segments, Company U has developed two products in the Sonite market: SUSI and SULI. SUSI is the lower quality offering, marketed towards Singles and Others who are the most price-sensitive. Others and Singles are projected to have the highest growth rates over the next five years, at 98% and 86% respectively. This is Company U’s target market for SUSI and sales are forecasted to almost double in each segment through Year 10 (Table 1 and Chart 1). SULI is the high quality electronic offering, distributed primarily to Professionals and High Earners who are driven by performance and convenience. Market Share for both Professionals and another market segment, Buffs, are expected to decline through Year 10. The Vodite market currently consists of approximately 200,000 people with an expected growth of 200% through Year 10. The Followers segment of the Vodite market is projected to have the largest growth over the next five years at over 3300%. Company U introduced a Vodite, VUGO, in Year 5 to initially target the Early Adopters segment in turn creating a strong foundation to penetrate the Followers segment through Year 10 with predicted long term sales growth of 17%. 2.1.1 Market Demographics

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