
Maslow 's Theory Of Motivation

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Discuss Maslow’s Theory of motivation. How can it be applied at workplace? Discuss differences between Intrinsic and Extrinsic factors along with examples.
One of the most popular theories is Abraham Maslow’s theory of inspiration which tells that people to achieve certain needs gets inspired under certain conditions and one of the basic needs to get motivated is survival and this is the first and foremost thing which motivates someone’s behavior. Maslow’s theory comprises five tiers of human needs which are divided mainly in three broad categories that are
1) Basic needs
a) Physiological needs: comprises things like food, water, rest, home etc.
b) Safety needs: comprises security, law, stability, freedom etc.
2) Psychological needs
a) …show more content…

Intrinsic motivation is the motivation which comes from inside an individual because we enjoy the activity itself. It’s the self desire to seek out or to bring out something new.
For example: If someone wakes up early in the morning and does exercises, yoga and pranayam for keeping the body healthy and for the self pleasure, then he is self motivated or intrinsically motivated person.
Extrinsic motivation is the motivation which comes from outside or from others. An individual do things for tangible rewards or pressures, rather than for the fun of it.
For example: If a student is not working hard then he is motivated by his parents and teachers to get good grades and to work harder by giving different examples of successful people which comes under extrinsic motivation.

Describe the main decision traps faced by the individuals. How these may be avoided?
1) Framing
The foremost step in decision making is to frame a question which is quiet dangerous as how one forms a question influence your choice.
How to avoid:
a) Don’t automatically accept the initially made frame. Check the problem by different ways and perspectives and frame accordingly.
b) Putting yourself in the situation
c) Take time and Think and check the distortions made by the problem.
2) Overconfidence
Sometimes a person flows in the sea of overconfidence about his judgmental abilities and accuracy as he

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