
Meaningful Pedagogy: Evaluation of Learning Goals and Targets

Decent Essays

Abstract - For the last few decades, pedagoglical theory has undergone a number of paradigm shifts. As the classroom changes, so does the theorietical structure behind it diversity, technology, globalism all contribute to the need to find a robust way to communicate learning activities, to help students move beyond rote understanding, and most especially a way to evaluate progress that is meaningful to not only their personal success, but to the needs of the contemporary school system in its continual justification for funding. One of the basic tenets of meaningful pedagogy, however, is in the evaluation of learning goals and targets. These assessments generally fall into to types, formative (present at each stage of learning) and summative (evaluation designed speicfically for end of lesson/project in accordance with learning goals). Formative assessments are focused on the sharing of information and teacher-student communication; teachers model how they wish the lesson outcome to appear, students use questions and other learning techniques to get to that point. Formative assessments typically involve open-ended questions, asking students in groups or individually not whether they understand, but to give an example showing they understand. This puts both students and teachers on target for success within the micro and macro learning structure. Summative assessments, in turn, are based on lengthier process after a project, at individual points in a paper, etc. and require

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