
Medhost: Case Study

Satisfactory Essays

Proposed Program Overview
Provide an outline of the framework and iterative process/processes that will take place to improve and optimize MedHost (MH) Security in all CHS facilities. Upon approval from the MH Security Oversight committee, discovery efforts will continue to define details, specific tasks, sequencing of events, etc. in order to create a project plan. In addition, the program and associated projects will be captured in Daptiv for oversight and transparency.

Proposed MHSO Framework Summary The proposed program will consist of a project framework that focuses on implementing Advanced Security at all CHS facilities, enabling role-based access and OS level security optimization opportunities.
The first project focuses on the initial design and implementation of MH Advanced Security. This effort addresses …show more content…

Working collaboratively with our business partners, MH application roles and their associated responsibilities will be defined. This lays the foundation for standardized menu option access, provisioned through Advanced Security, across CHS facilities.
Lastly, the program will then shift focus to identifying, analyzing and defining opportunities to optimize security at the operating system (OS) level. After receiving approval for the recommended option, the project team will move forward with the implementation effort.
Initial Timeline
Currently, discovery efforts are underway involving both CHS and MedHost resources. To date, Advance Security has been technically installed and tested in two site; it has been proven that the Advance Security application can run in the CHS “environment” – no know issues in clinical and business workflows. In addition, MH is putting together all technical and implementation tasks associated with installing Advance Security in “new” CHS facilities and Legacy Sites.

11 December 2015 Meeting to discuss optimization efforts for MH

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