
Media Class Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

When I was younger, I never really liked school. It was too long and boring for my liking. When I came to the middle school, that all changed. I took the media class and soon I wanted to come to school more just to go to that class. I was interested in technology and media is very entertaining. Kids in school like media class because you get to interview people, learn about editing, and work with others.

To begin with, people enjoy media because they get to learn about and use technology to edit. You get to use cameras to take videos and pictures for the announcements. You learn about responsibility and that you need to keep up with your assignments and tools. For example, you use the cameras and if you lose them then you have to pay for them or get a new one. You edit videos and pictures to put on the announcements. You get to do the announcements mostly on your own getting to learn from your mistakes and how to use the tools. When you do the announcements you walk around taking videos and get to leave the classroom a lot. You get to use computers and updated technology. You get out of class to take pictures and videos. …show more content…

You can make new friends by doing this. You get to know people by asking questions and other things. You can talk to people and do experiments by asking people the same question and comparing their answers. It’s like a job interview so you could be preparing your peers for actions they have to do when they’re older. Talking to people helps to get more introverted people out of their shell. For instance, I am very introverted and I normally have to be pushed to get out of my shell because I prefer to not draw attention to myself. You learn about people and talk. You can use people’s ideas and use them to help

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