
Mediational Analysis Theory

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The next study looked at experimental conditions were the mediational analysis focused on specific strategies taught in professional development and that those would mediate learning gains of students (Penuel, Gallagher & Moorthy, 2011). This study did a power analysis before hand to check the needed sample size to gain a power of at least .80. With 25 students per classroom they aimed to recruit four teachers from 15 different schools (n=60) resulting in detecting effects of .24 or larger (Penuel et al. 2011). When they looked at difference between the groups they reported that is was “marginally” significant, p=.06. The thought behind this is the old age rule of alpha set to .05 or lower, and anything above that is not significant. …show more content…

The reported correlation coefficients ranged from .11 to .67 (Chan et al. 2008). The fit statistics were as followed with parameter freely to be estimated and not fixed; chi square = (138, N=2,130) = 600.039 and of course this was significant due to the large sample size. The chi square/ degrees of freedom ratio should have been reported in this case. CFI=.971, TLI=.964. and RMSEA =.042 (Chan et al. 2008). Another issue is they went looking for either a partial mediated model or a fully mediated model. When researchers look for this and do not hypothesis which it will be can be an issue among experts, this will be discussed later on. Limitations in Mediation Analysis The trend here seems to the Baron and Kenny (1986) as the gold standard for conducting mediation analysis as all of the above authors have cited and used this particular method. Rex Kline has published numerous articles and even a book on Structural Equation Modeling. This particular book is used in many graduate level classes. He has recently published an article with a straight forward blunt title, “The mediation myth” (2015). The myth is defined as falsely believing that mediation is actually estimated in the typical mediation analysis. Mediation analysis has a few shortcomings. Using a flawed analysis plan, not giving much thought to the assumptions that have to be meet and the typical mediation study has inadequate design

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