
Mental Illnesses

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Over the past decade, there has been many changes in the culture we live in starting with the development of technology and the abuse of drugs and alcohol. Technology has created ways to connect with people all over the world by a simple touch of a button. It has created cars that practically drive themselves, less open space land and more cities, and most depressingly, created more cases of mental illness amongst youth. There have been some positive advancements in technology but also many negative effects, for example mental illnesses. Mental illnesses are highly treatable with medication and psychotherapy. Today’s youth do not have the same effects from these treatments compared youth in past decades. As Dr. Kathleen Pajer states in her …show more content…

This decade, the subsistence’s are easier to obtained even for under aged youth. National institute on drug abuse explains the scientific way that drugs and alcohol effect the brain. One of the main components of the brains that causes mental illnesses is the neurotransmitter. The neurotransmitter contains brain cells filled neuron chemicals which tell you how to react. The chemicals found in drugs and alcohol interfere with the neurons and mimic them. These chemicals then trick the brain into sending the wrong information that usually leads to mental illnesses. (Drugs and the Brain) Harvard Health Publications of Harvard Medical School explains the three parts of the brain the neurotransmitter transports the neuron chemicals. These parts include the Amygdala, Thalamus and the Hippocampus. The Amygdala is responsible for the emotions and emotional memories. The Thalamus is responsible for behavior such as speech, reactions, thinking and learning. The last part, Hippocampus controls long term memory including things that have given you the sense of fear in the past. (what causes depression) These parts of the brain are what create and effect mental illnesses. People whom consume drugs and/or alcohol before their brain has fully developed have a high change of damaging the amygdala, thalamus and the hippocampus and developing a mental illness. In the past decade alcohol was not as easily available as it is today. Today, there are liquor and beer stores in every town and even in some convince stores. Underage youth are likely getting alcohol from older sibling, friends or family or have a fake identification. Drugs are widely available on streets of cities and in schools. Most drugs consumed by youth contain unknown substances that may also alter the neuron chemicals. By limiting drugs and reducing the amount of availability of alcohol youth have less of a chance at consuming these mind

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