
Methods For Improving Accuracy Of Organizational Data, Information, And Knowledge

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A. Methods to Ensure Accuracy
Our school organization uses a variety of methods to ensure accuracy of organizational data, information, and knowledge. The first method our school organization uses to ensure accuracy is all data for benchmark assessments and end of year assessments, that is used to assess our school organization, student growth and proficiency, is computer generated using excel spread sheets creating graphs and charts to ensure data is accurate. The end of year school report is a computer generated report performed by the state upon submission of student assessment data from the SAGE assessment. This is the end of year assessment that our organization uses that is mandated by the state to ensure accuracy of data that is …show more content…

Our school administrators and instructional coaches also use the state observation tool to ensure accuracy of teachers implementing action plans in their daily instruction. They also use an observation tool that is designed specifically to collect action plans and organizational data. Using these observation data collection tools for each educator and staff member ensures that data is collected accurately the same way for each person at our facility. This helps main stream the process of keeping accurate and current records of data, knowledge, and everyday school processes.
A1. Evaluation of Effectiveness
The methods our school organization uses to ensure accuracy of organizational data, information, and knowledge have been very effective. Before the state and our school organization came out with data collection observation tools, a lot of the information was inaccurate between content areas and educators. One educator would be evaluated one way and another a different way, thus proving inaccuracy amongst educators and fairness in the data that was being collected by school leadership. Now we have specific observation tools that are used and every educator knows that they are going to be evaluated and observed using the same data collection and observation tools as every educator in the building. This eliminates the opportunity

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