
Metrics Response and Social Media

Decent Essays

Metrics Response Paper According to a poll from it was found that businesses with high numbers of webpages get over six times of more leads than companies with fewer pages. These statistic prove the importance of social media marketing in the business world. The effectiveness of a company’s advertising through social media measured through the metrics scale, or more commonly known as the key aspects of social media advertising. I do believe that metrics matter in social media to an extent, but a large part of the effectiveness of social media is one that cannot be measured. With that I will try to explain the importance of metrics and their impacts on the system. . . . . . . . .
Social media is a trend of advertising that is young and up and coming. Businesses can use social media as an outlet to advertise such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. The intent of this advertising is to capture the eye and appeal to current and potential customers of their business. Due to the fact that this form of advertising is so expansive and reaches so many people the effectiveness and true measure of the quality is hard to determine. This form of communication is so new to the advertising world and there is currently nothing to compare it to. One of the main reasons for complications in determining effectiveness is due to shear mass of people it reaches. With social media reaching millions of people all over the world , there is far too much data for any company or tool to measure.

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