
Microaggression Essay

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Most colleges and universities publish their graduation rates based on a six year plan. Even though there are students who are able to complete their education in four years, most students require an additional one to two years to complete their undergraduate degree. When high school students matriculate to a college setting, they should begin to experience new things which should allow them to learn how to use critical thinking skills or master critical thinking skills. When students come together on a college campus, they come from varies backgrounds.
Most campuses try to enhance students’ lives, by wanting them to experience a College experience; however not all college experiences are the same. Some students have felt …show more content…

I believe that student life professional as well as the academic leaders on a college to campus needs be aware and understand the effects of microaggression on college campuses and how it affects students as well as faculty and staff. The topic is relevant because microaggression studies show that they do occur and how it does have an impact on students of color and it impacts their academic performance and their mental health. The study showed who harmful microaggressions that occur in education settings by professors or other students or work settings by employers or coworkers may particularly hurt an individual’s …show more content…

First, are racial microaggressions a predictor of lower self-esteem? A subset question being asked is are specific types of racial microaggressions predictors of lower self-esteem. Second, do individuals of diverse racial groups experience racial microaggressions differently. As for as making a hypothesis, the researchers did not make one, however, based on the literature review there were several references made that stated that there was a relationship between microaggression and self-esteem. The higher the microaggression the lower the self-esteem. A quantitative method was used for the study. A demographic questionnaire provided the gender, age, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, occupation, highest educational level completed, place of birth, and years spent in the United States. There were a total of 225 participants who were students that were currently enrolled in undergraduate who were students that attended a large public Hispanic-serving institution in a northeastern metropolitan area. The means and standard deviations of the participants ages were included (M = 19.73, SD = 3.242) (Nadal, Wong, Griffin, David, & Sriken, 2014). A team of three researchers coded responses independently into the appropriate categories as participants

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