
Microscopic Analysis On Protein Blood Glucose Essay

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Microscopic analysis
Sample Cells Casts Crystals
A0 None observed Hyaline None observed
A1 Lipid inclusions present in renal tubular cells None observed None observed
A2 RBC RBC None observed
A3 None observed None observed None observed
A4 None observed Waxy Oxalate
A5 The patient was anuric and hence no sample is available for testing

Dipstick analysis
Sample Protein Blood Glucose
A0 -ve -ve Normal
A1 4+ -ve Normal
A2 1+ 4+ Normal
A3 -ve -ve 4+
A4 1+ 4+ Normal
A5 The patient was anuric and hence no sample is available for testing

GFR interpretation
Sample GFR (ml/min/1.73m2) Renal Function Any evidence of renal damage? (y/n)
A0 >90 Normal N
A1 (Sample from a 10 year old) 65 Mildly reduced Y (however the test was not valid GFR as patient was under 18)
A2 20 Severely Reduced function Y
A3 >100 Polyurea N
A4 24 Severely reduced function Y
A5 <15 Very severe loss of function - End stage renal failure Y

Gross Pathology Size Surface Features Cut Section Urine sample?
70.00.02 Normal Smooth Whole organ A0
71.92.08 Atrophied Granular Cortex or Medulla (reddish brown colour) both visible, but poorly defined A5
70.30.02 Enlarged Smooth Medulla (brown colour) boundary poorly defined A2
Photo-micrograph Normal Fairly Smooth Medulla (reddish) A4

Patient A0
The A0 urine sample comes from a 30-year-old adult who is also an extreme athlete.

When observing the sample from an electron microscope, we can see that patient A0 has hyaline casts present in his

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