
Microscopy Vs. Microscopy : An Example Of Scientific Application

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Scientific research requires proper understanding of different tools applied in various steps that are critical to the end results. It is undeniable that scientific work requires the collaboration of various study fields in order to develop proficient solutions. In line with these arguments, Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) is an example of scientific application, which developed as a result of combined efforts of scientists from different fields. TEM facilitates visualization of minute cellular structures, something that provides a platform for further studies. However, with increased technological advancements and the quest for more discoveries, scientists have improved TEM significantly. In particular, several sample preparation …show more content…

Cryo-Electron Microscopy (CEM) on the other hand, is a variation of the original Electron Microscopy procedure where biologists can observe structures in their native forms at extremely low temperatures (The Eva Nogales Lab, n.d). It is noteworthy pointing out that the need to observe cellular components in their native structures at cryogenic temperatures necessitate the introduction of various sample preparation procedures in order to maintain the native structures while holding cellular processes. Development of effective sample preparation methods for Cryo-Electron Microscopy (CEM) is characterized by small advancements made over a long period. Like in many other scientific discoveries, ultimate products result from a series of efforts by several researchers, who make small but significant contribution. Dubochet (2011), points out that the initial attempts to visualize biological specimens in their native forms failed because of crystallization of cellular components. Ideally, it was argued that lowering temperatures would immobilize cellular activities and prevent evaporation of cellular water, hence facilitating then visualization in the native state. Unfortunately, because of the characteristic properties of water, excessive cooling of the biological samples led to the crystallization of water particles and concentration of cellular inclusions, something that hindered the observation of native status (Dubochet, 2011). However, the

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