
Milking Cows Essay

Satisfactory Essays

MIlking Cows (My work) Firstly, I get their at 3:40 Pm or if i am working morning it is 3:40am and I don't start milking cows write away I have a few things to do before I milk cows I have to unhook the milker from the cleaners and flip them over it is so they can be clean and they don't have bacteria. Every day the milk truck comes in a picks the milk up and after that he is supposed to clean the balt tanks. So then we fill up the tank when milkin and when the fans run it sounds loud and there is 5 pens(350 cows) and the 5 th pen all the cows milk is not good and gets dumped down the drain and it smells very bad like rotten eggs when that pen comes in and that milk can not be milked in the tank because if it does the milk in the tank will

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