
Miracle Movie Analysis

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The Miracle Movie in 1980 Victory of U.S. Olympic Ice Hockey Team and the Soviet Union. This movie show that the coach make the team united and won the game. The motivation of the coach in the movie Miracle was to change the way the hockey team worked together by preparing them through advance exercises that will have them trust each other and work as a team. To work as a team, they must set goals for the team to accomplish. An Everest goal is a goal in which there is specific details on how to achieve their result. His goal was for everyone to come together and work as a team to be the number one team in the league, and the team will become number one by practicing together and acting like a family. Being part of the team is individual performance, then team performance. It was never about being the best team in the world, there was more focus on working well together, having the right attitude and communication that helped them win the Olympics. Individual players practiced improving their skills and in turn they contribute to the team to work smarter together and be a stronger team. To be a stronger team, they had to come together and have a team identity both on the ice and off, only then would they be able to face off other teams in the Olympics. There are four stages of team building; forming, norming, storming and preforming. Forming is the stage when a group initially need to come together and get to know each other, then the team sets a goal. This is when the

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