
Mobile Computing : Using Handheld Devices With Miniature Keyboards Essay

Decent Essays

Introduction Mobile computing can be defined as the use of handheld devices with miniature keyboards that allow the users to gain instant access to the information they need, as well as it enables them to communicate or use applications available on the mobile technology platform to solve problems. This can be attributed to the fact that there is an increasing advancement in terms of the availability and efficiency of mobile based applications (Sykes, 2014). Additionally, mobile devices allow users to socialize with other users on the go. In fact, over the past few years, mobile computing has evolved progressively, especially with the advent of wireless technology. Basically, wireless technology has made the location of mobile users irrelevant as emphasized by Sykes (2014). A good number of businesses have been compelled to modify their business processes so as to accommodate the rapidly evolving mobile technology. For instance, there are thousands of applications for both android and iOS platforms than can be exploited by businesses to perform innumerable tasks and processes. Essentially, this has motivated businesses to redesign their desktop platforms and the Web to run on mobile devices with the help of mobile applications, such as iPhone, iPad, and Android applications. Therefore, the implication of mobile devices in the modern world of business is getting clearer, considering the impact they’ve had on social media networking sites (Jabeur, Zeadally & Sayed, 2013).

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