
Models Of Abnormal Psychology

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There are various models of abnormality. Such models include the biological model, psychodynamic model, behavioral model, cognitive model, humanistic-existential model, and the sociocultural model. Models of abnormality explain the causes and treatments for all psychological illnesses. Psychologists don't believe in all of these models, they are considered theories due to being based off a psychologist's own beliefs and assumptions. These theories are even more complex as many have theories within themselves. This proves that psychology is ever expanding, fascinating, and complex.

The biological model sees physical processes as the key to human behavior. Biological theorists believe that abnormal behavior is biological, thoughts and feelings …show more content…

Neurons are nerve cells that make up the brain. Problems or abnormalities in brain anatomy chemistry is sometimes the result of genetic inheritance. However, the abnormality could also be the result of a mutation in their chromosomes. Not all abnormalities are brought on through genetic composition, but can be caused by viral infections. Some researchers suggest that schizophrenia is related to exposure to certain viruses in childhood and even before birth. The biological models most common form of treatment is drug therapy. Psychotropic medications mainly affect emotions and thought processes. This form of therapy is used widely and has proved to be successful when used alone or along with other forms of therapy. Some of these drugs are antianxiety drugs which help reduce tension and anxiety. Anti-depressants help improve mood, this is used on those who suffer from depression. Anti-bipolar drugs help to reduce confusion, hallucinations, and delusions, commonly used by those with schizophrenia. Another treatment used by biological theorists is …show more content…

Behaviors change in response to their environment. The behaviors which are learned help people cope with their daily challenges. Many behaviors are achieved through conditioning. Operant conditioning is teaching someone to behave a certain way through rewards. Modeling is learning behaviors through observing others. Classical conditioning is when "learning occurs by temporal association. When two events repeatedly occur close together in time, they become fused in a person's mind, and before long the person responds in the same way to both events." Behavioral therapists goal is to identify what behavior are contributing to a person's problems and replace them with ones more appropriate. This model is one of the most appealing due to its capability of being studied in a lab while psychodynamic theories generally are incapable of

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