
Modest Proposals: Car Raise Vs. Book Sale

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In order for the local library to thrive and continue business, a proposal of a fundraiser must be implemented. In fact, the committee of community members had come up with two proposals as of now: a book sale and a car wash. However, only one of these proposals may be chosen. Whether or not the car wash or the book sale is the superior option, is up to debate. However, before any final decisions are established, it is vital to evaluate each of these viable options effectively. Although the car wash and the book sale have their similarities and differences, the car wash would be the most logistically feasible.
At a first glance, the two proposals presented appear very different; however, they are similar in a variety of ways. For instance, the pair's main objective is to raise money for the local library. Hence, why they are fundraisers. Furthermore, the two of these proposals depend on volunteer work. In other words, neither have to lose money acquired to pay for the work being done. Therefore, a majority of the money obtained through the distribution of these …show more content…

Significantly, the car wash is a service, whereas the book sale is a distribution of a good: books. Furthermore, in terms of providing the goods or service, the books for the sale are obtained through donations-again full profit-albeit, the car wash would require the purchase of soap, a hose, and sponges. However, the book sale is targeted towards book readers, while the car wash is targeted toward a more general audience. Lastly, the book-sale does provide a library-card-membership signup sheet that could increase business in the Library. Furthermore, the costs of the books would be fifty cents for paper back and two dollars for hardback, whereas the car wash charges ten dollars per car. In other words, the car wash charges more per quantity leading higher

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