
Molar Solubility Lab Report

Satisfactory Essays

• To identify the molar solubility and the constant associated with it for calcium hydroxide.
• To conduct an experiment regarding how the effect common ion has on the overall solubility of calcium hydroxide.

1. Molar Solubility and Solubility Product of Calcium Hydroxide
• Obtain a prepared saturated solution containing calcium hydroxide. Once obtained, remove 90 mL of the saturated calcium hydroxide and add it to another 125-mL flask. Make sure the solid calcium hydroxide within the solution is remained untouched.
• Acquire a 150-mL beaker in order to obtain 90-mL of calcium hydroxide solution present above the solid Ca(OH)2 for analysis purposes.
• Obtain a pipet and since it with 25- mL of saturated calcium hydroxide

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