
Montessori Method Of Education

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Montessori Method of Education is one of the unique methods of the education which stimulates the child’s natural curiosity to learn. Culture and creativity area an integral part of the Montessori curriculum. Every area of the Montessori curriculum is interrelated and follows the same foundations. Each area of curriculum has special purpose of education and helps the child in stimulating their imaginative powers. Montessori Method strongly believes that imagination is based on the reality based experiences and creativity is directly related to exposing the children to real life situations. So, we can say that in order to be more imaginative and creative, child must have real and concrete experiences with the real objects.
According to Maria Montessori, “The true basis of the imagination is reality, and its perception is related to exactness of observation. It is necessary to prepare children to perceive the things in their environment exactly, in order to secure for them the material required by the imagination. Intelligence, reasoning, and distinguishing one thing from another prepares a cement for imaginative constructions”1 (The advanced Montessori method.p.196)
Montessori Method of Education believes that every child is different and has his own needs. So every child is allowed to learn in his own unique manner at his own pace. Every aspect of the Montessori curriculum starting from the Practical life to the Culture area is closely intrigued with each other which help in

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