Although women have certainly come a long way in achieving their rights, for several reasons I still cannot say that women have achieved full, equal rights in America as of now. Firstly, many women are still finding today than men performing the same jobs as they are receiving higher wages. Secondly, men are greatly outnumbering women in high-level, executive positions; this means that men are, as a whole, receiving better jobs than women. Finally, as men primarily run the government, women get only a relatively small role in making life-affecting decisions. In order for women to be fully equal with men in terms of rights, reparations in these fields must be made. In today’s world, one would think that two people doing the same job would receive the same wages. This appears to be the case often if those two people are the same gender. According to, women generally only receive about ninety-four percent the wages that men earn, if outside factors (such as experience, education level) are added in (Rampbell). This may seem like a relatively miniscule number, but let’s look at an example. Say a man makes $50,000 annually at his job. By this statistic, a women working the same job with the same credentials would make $47,000 annually, a difference of $3,000! Such a disparity cannot be considered acceptable in today’s society. Why should men receive more than women? Even worse than the general statistic is the wage gap between men and women making over $100,000
On average, women are paid 21.7% less than men in the US for many of the same jobs. Women have been discriminated against since the beginning of time. Recently however, they have made several advances in the form of civil liberties towards a more equal society. Voting rights, the liberty to obtain and use birth control, and abortion rights are some of the forms of civil liberties and rights that women have made advances in. Women still face a gridlock in gender-based violence and in employment and pay.
Women have virtually the same rights as men. However, the fault needing to be recognized in today’s society is the way that women are treated. Even in simple areas, such as jobs, women are put on the back burner. A woman is able to become a CEO of a company, nonetheless, she will struggle twice as hard as a man would. Even as an employee, women are statistically paid less than men are.
One of the biggest problems facing women in the workplace is the wage gap separating men and women. Women, on average, get paid 77 cents on the dollar for every dollar a man makes. (Berman Huffington Post) This startling statistic is one many feminist use in arguing that sexism is not dead in this country. When women are not paid the same as men when doing the same job, it is like blatantly telling women that they are not good enough.
In 1921, women were granted suffrage, but suffragists were still hungry for more. Knowing that the right to vote would not eliminate sex discrimination in America, Alice Paul wrote the Equal Rights Amendment to step closer to equality. After half a century of struggle, women in America are still fighting for rights that men were given to when they were born. Even though women are just as intelligent, capable and hardworking as men, if not more, they are not considered an equal under the U.S. Constitution. Can you believe that today, in the 21st century, we still degrade women and treat them as inferiors to men? Can you believe that just because you are a woman, you are less than equal to the male population? Look around you, all those boys and girls are not equal to each other under our “just” country’s laws. As it is long overdue, the Equal Rights Amendment should be ratified because there is no other amendment that talks about sex discrimination, it would eliminate any inequality in regards to sex, and it would make the judicial stance on sex discrimination cases much clearer.
With the advancement of suffrage to equal pay, over the last century, women’s rights have progressed immensely. Through historic marches and demonstrations across the United States, women protested for their equal place in politics and social progress. Despite the fear-mongering components used in achieving these rights, women’s rights are still thoroughly debated within society today. Over the last century, incredible and unreachable goals have been fulfilled for women, such as the right to vote and a sense of equal state in the “Free World,” and can only improve in the years to come.
Even though men and women who work in the same work place doing the same exact job should be getting the same exact pay, also known as the Equal Pay Act of 1963, this matter is still a constant battle. For example, women earned 79 cents for every dollar that a man earns ( This statistic, referred to as the gender gap, has been reoccurring for decades and although the numbers have changed throughout the years, the gap
“During 2012, median weekly earnings for female full-time workers were $691 compared with $854 per week for men, a gender wage ratio of 80.9 percent.” (Women’s Wages are Lower Due to Occupational Segregation” by Ariane Hegewisch and Maxwell Matite, Institute for Women’s Policy Research) This was as early as 2012, when it was made illegal for employers to pay women less what a man would get paid for in 1963.( Women still are fighting for this, a battle they will win. What does it matter what the gender is? Who does more work, who does it efficiently should be the one with a pay raise. Gender has nothing to do with
Throughout the nation’s history, American’s have sought to put an end to discriminatory practices and bring equality toward minority groups. For example, Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation and Martin Luther King Jr.’s I Have a Dream speech were directed at putting an end to mistreatment of African Americans. Likewise, Jane Adams and Susan B. Anthony used their authority as women’s rights activists to push for greater equality amongst the genders. While some may argue that women are lagging behind in the race to equal rights, others claim the opposing approach. In today’s society, women are achieving true equality due to a shift in the old stereotypes toward women, increasing opportunities for women to become educated, higher expectations for women in the workplace, and a stronger influence of women in government positions.
Next, the pay gap is too wide. The data shows that women earns only 76 cents of each dollar
Diversity in the workplace is forever growing: Yes, we have made significant progress hiring people of different races, orientations and religious believes, however gender inequality is still a major issue. Why is it that woman with the same experience doing the same work, the same hours, with the same qualifications are (in some professions) paid less than men? We all have the right to work and have the same employment opportunities as each other. How can we justify denying women of this right? This is blatant discrimination? Despite the equal pay act of 1963 saying that it is illegal for employers to pay men more than women, a study from 2016 by The Independent shows that on
Every dollar a man makes, a woman receive only 72 cents of it. Women have hardly ever been treated the same as men in anything. First of all, men get paid more in sports, acting, and in any job, really. Secondly, men also have more respect towards them than women do, and this has been all throughout history. Many people stand up for women and think that they should be treated and paid just as much as their male companion. If women do the same amount of work and put in effort like the men, then why are they getting paid less. Women inequality is real, and needs to stop.
Though i'm not sure if that's as true but With this in hand, you kind of would expect people to play to their strengths. For example, women are better at nurturing their children, so normally, there are less stay at home dads then there are stay at home moms. Men normally are said to be better at dealing with stress psychologically, so it makes sense they would go to a job where there's a lot of work stress. A lot of the ideas about the pay of men and women are different. They include women who don't have jobs a lot of the time, and adding a lot of people who decide to go with that part of them to the statistic. And women are payed less based on their own choices. The actual things show us it's there, but it's very very small. that's just going to happen. There will always be that one guy who doesn't pay women fairly and get's away with it. We're human, we're not perfect. We can't have a perfect system. Kinda like 28% of women overall say they have experienced discrimination. Women make up 18% of congress and 15% of corporate boards. MOst women also think all what men do is seen as being sexist. So i guess you could say that in today's culture there is a lot of
The inequality of pay between a man and a woman grows when the woman's race is taken into consideration, statistically, white women earn seventy-eight cents, African-American women earn sixty-four cents and Latina women earn fifty-six cents for every dollar earned by a white man as stated on www. This significant wage gap is not just a bunch of numbers -- it has real life consequences that affect real life women: women with growing children to feed, women of color, disabled women, aging women longing retirement, and your own
If the United States is an equal country, then why are men and women still paid different salaries? The U.S. is said to be a country of freedom and equality, but the crucial part of every individual’s life, getting a job and working, is not equal. Men and women in America are separated by a long-existing wage gap. Though the gap may only be a few cents difference, over time, it adds up to a large amount of money. Education seems like a solution to the problem, but it does not help. Also, the gap can hurt young girl’s self-esteem as well as making it harder for single mothers to care for themselves and their children. To achieve a truly equal country, the pay gap
Women today still struggle to get the same pay as men and this arises from wage discrimination. When multiple workers are equally qualified and perform the same work but one group of worker is paid more than another stirs up conflict. This situation has normally favored men over women that are equally or more qualified. Historically, income inequality stems from the fact that men were primarily the bread winners of most households and the earnings associated with a job has fostered the income inequality to take form in the placement of individuals into particular jobs. For example, in some third