
Mr. Jones Use Classroom Assessment Techniques

Decent Essays

Mrs. Jones utilizes a variety of ways to access her student’s learning by doing four specific things I have observed while spending time in her classroom: writing clear and measurable learning objectives when creating assignments, creating all-encompassing exams that can be expected regularly once a week, and using classroom assessment techniques. The importance of writing clear and measurable learning objectives became clear to me when I reviewed Mrs. Jones’ lesson plans. She ensured that each learning objective resulted in the completion of a worksheet on one’s own or creation of a product that displays the accurately mastered knowledge. This way, students to not feel as if they are being tested, while the informal deliverance of new knowledge still ensures the student understands the material; it is performance-based. If one creates a lesson objective that cannot be measured, there is no way to know whether or not the student understands the task or material at hand. Mrs. Jones also creates weekly mathematics and spelling tests that the students expect on Fridays. Fridays are often thought of as reward days by the students, so there hard work does not go unnoticed. The regularity of this testing schedule …show more content…

Spelling words are used all-week, at home, by completing worksheets, lists, and sentences that utilize these words, with their parents. In order to determine if these assignments are done correctly, Mrs. Jones (1) requires parent signatures on homework and (2) checks homework weekly for accuracy and full completion. If questions are unanswered or are answered incorrectly, she will call individual students up to her desk to discuss their work. She also uses this information to measure whether or not a student’s work assignments should be reevaluated, then given a new assignment at a lower or higher level, to ensure they are mastering the appropriate learning objectives in due

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