Mrs. Hyatt is a 30 year old female who presented to the ED requesting detox off of Meth and is looking for a mental health evaluation. She denies suicidal ideation, homicidal ideation, and symptoms of psychosis to ED staff. She reports her last use of Meth was 6 am 2/28/17. Dr. Jody Osborne requested an evaluation on Mrs. Hyatt. At the time of the assessment Mrs. Hyatt denies suicidal ideation, homicidal ideation, and symptoms of psychosis. She reports a history of depression and anxiety. Mrs. Hyatt reports a history of cutting behaviors for stress relief and to harm herself. She reports 2x suicidal attempts in the 2004 when she tried to overdose on pills and cut her wrist. Mrs. Hyatt reports recent stressors as relational issues and possibly
D-Met with the patient as the Women's Group was cancelled due to low attendance. This writer addressed with the patient about her AWOL status, at which the patient started to get emotional as she is struggling with transportation, borrowing her mother's car, her husband is still having issues getting into the Hartford Dispensary-tested postiive for methadone, and too much stressors in her life, which is causing the patient to not eat. This writer validated the patient's feelings, provided support, and made suggestions. The patient admits to relapsing yesterday by purchasing 10 bags of heroin, but using 6 and gave her husband 4 bags-use of method was IV. The patient feels guility of using, but her stress factors are overbearing her recovery process and the patient struggles with coping. She then says, " When I come to the Women's Group, I feel good....I was hoping there was going to be group today....I don't know." This writer provided empowerment and encouragement to the patient to focus on her recovery process and proceeded to discuss risk factors of what she will lose.
Pt is a 12 y/o Caucasian female presenting to NNBHC due to self-harming behaviors. The pt stated that she had an “episode” last night stating she was crying and inconsolable making SI statements and self-harmed. Pt showed assessor about 10 superficial slashes from a razor she used to her left forearm. The pt stated she had it in her room for almost 5 months just in case if she felt she was needed to feel the pain. Mother reports she was there during the episode and the left the pt for less than 2 minutes when she engaged in self-harming behaviors. The pt stated this episode went on for almost a 1.5hr, and there was an unknown trigger. Per mother report there have been some stressors in regards of the mother and father
Methamphetamines (Meth) cause a wide array of problems with its users, a lot of which are permanent. Meth’s affects range from neurological issues, alertness, paranoia, and aggression. It also leads to psychological and physical disorders. Because Meth is a stimulant, it can cause the user to be up for days and even weeks at a time causing stress to the body and can result in over exerting oneself and inevitably something will give. Personal problems from users will be talked about, as well as scientific studies on the Meth epidemic.
Rosa Cunningham (full name is Rosa Lee) is a 53 year old African American female client of average height, slight build, and is appropriately groomed. She has 8 children, 2 of them being female and 6 males, all adults. Rosa is a widow and reached this status after being separated from her deceased husband for many years. Rosa is currently hospitalized for pneumonia, and has been hospitalized several times in her life for diferent illnesses. Rosa’s medical history as self-reported is HIV and seizures. Rosa is a heroin addict and has been this way for several years. Rosa is involved with the local methadone clinic and receives 55mg of methadone daily. Even by receiving this daily dose of methadone, Rosa continues to use heroin. Rosa has several legal and health issues that are present also, despite which she continues to use heroin. Rosa has a lengthy criminal history to include arrests for prostitution, larceny, and selling drugs. The reason for today’s assessment is a referral made by the social worker at the hospital in which Rosa is a patient at and discharge planning is to be made for aftercare.
Past Hx of Treatment: Client reports an extensive episode of major depressive symptoms about two years ago, a year prior to the actual attempt of suicide, which he sought help through religious organizations, family and friends with a strong faith based counseling service. But no report of seeking medical help from professionals.
Goal : To assess for suicidal, homicidal intent, to gather psychological history, family, educational and developmental history, to assess client and family needs and strengths, to formulate a clinical diagnosis and complete all necessary assessments tools in order to assist the family in developing and reaching the goals that have been identified.
A psychiatrist in a methadone clinic in Northeast Washington, D.C. works with patients who are addicted to drugs. Some of her patients suffering from addiction
Ms. H grew up in a rural community in the Midwest. Her parents are married and live in a state in the Midwest. She is the fourth child of five siblings. She has three sisters and one brother. According to her mother, Ms. H was born at home. During the birth, her parents believe that Ms. H may have had a short period of anoxia or a lack of oxygen supply to her body. Despite of a difficult delivery and home birth, Ms. H did not have any prenatal, perinatal, or postnatal problems. Her parents reported that Ms. H had normal developmental milestones in language (e.g., speaking forming a sentence, and vocabulary development) and physical motor development (e.g., crawling, standing up, walking and running). However, her parents noted that Ms. H had
Rationale: Jennifer has been presenting with symptoms for unspecified amount of time. Jennifer meets six of the criteria for symptoms being present during the same 2-week period and represents a change from previous functioning. Jennifer is depressed most of the day, nearly every day, has diminished interest in all or almost all activities most of the days, nearly every day, has fatigue or loss of energy nearly every day, feelings of worthlessness, and diminished ability to think or concentrate, is having recurrent thoughts of death, recurrent suicidal ideation without a specific plan. The symptoms have cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, and other functioning areas. There is no know substance or medical condition and occurrence is not better explained by Schizophrenia Spectrum or Psychotic Disorders. Jennifer has never had a manic episode or a hypomanic episode. Possible family history of depression - mother.
“Meth, not even once” is a popular phrase that is associated with this drug. This drug has many known horrible effects associated with it, plus many effects more I am sure are going to be discovered over time. I am intending to cover the history, effects, the different categories of meth abuse, and the withdrawal effects of Methamphetamine in this paper, and what to do if you suspect someone you know is using meth.
She has experienced some hallucinations after some of her sexual assaults were so vivid she would feel as if the abuse was happening all over again. Substance related disorders were not diagnosed because the individual did not endorse using other substance in a manner that created problems for her or met the criteria for misuse (e.g., no withdrawal or tolerance, nor compulsive/continued patterns of use). Although no diagnosis is given for a depressive disorder, she did experience insomnia, diminished ability to think or concentrate, and recurrent thoughts of death. This information that was provided was not adequately determine if these behaviors could demonstrate a major depressive episode, as she needed to have five or more symptoms for depressive disorders. Another possible type of disorders that needed to be considered were anxiety disorders.
She does not appear to be at risk of attempting suicide as her score (0) for the item on suicide showed no indication of thoughts of possible suicide. Scores (0) on items on substance abuse show that Eboneé does not seem to have problems with substance abuse. Her scores on these items reflect that drug and alcohol use do not affect her daily functioning. Eboneé’s score (0) on the item related to violence indicates that she is not a threat to others or to herself in the activities of her daily life. Her score (20) on the Symptoms Distress Scale (SD) suggest that Eboneé is not suffering from any significant distress symptoms that will affect how she functions normally. Items of concern are 2 and 34, her score (3) indicates that she feels tired
Methamphetamine is an acutely dangerous problem in the United States because of its powerful and extremely addictive qualities. It is frequently termed in the gay community as Tina, crystal, the girl, meth, and the bitch. According to National Institute on Drug Abuse ([NIDA], 2013), over 4.7 % of the U.S. population has tried methamphetamines at least once, and national trends demonstrated that in the first half of 2012 methamphetamine remained categorized as the first in drug associated treatment admissions in Hawaii and in San Diego, second in San Francisco, and third in Phoenix and in Denver. Methamphetamine use has been identified as the most rapidly emerging crisis in the United States (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2014).
Intervention/goals Risk for self-injury related to depression/psychosis as evidenced by previous suicide attempt and suicidal behavior. Patient will verbalize feelings; express decreased anxiety and anger
The patient expressed she has no current suicidal ideation or homicidal ideation. However, she admitted to suicidal ideation in the past, right after her breakup, approximately two months ago. She expressed that she wanted to hurt herself and had a plan on how to do so, but did not think she could go through with it. Her plan was to overdose by taking her mother’s