
Multicultural Counseling Critique Essay

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Multicultural Counseling Critique: Counseling Utilization by Ethnic Minority College Students
Although the practice of counseling has evolved considerably since its inception, the concept of multicultural competence remains novel. Engrossed in the lives of every clinician are underlined biases and prejudices that act as filters in which every interaction with a clients is affected. Current research on the topic of multicultural counseling has shown that although multicultural awareness is on the rise there is still a remarkable gap in research regarding the use of counseling service and outcomes for racial and ethnic minorities (Kerney,Draper, & Baron, 2005). Insights such as these have encouraged researchers to investigate multicultural …show more content…

Another is the potential stigma associated with the use of mental health services. Closely associated with this stigma is the belief in seeking help from religious leaders, such as pastors, and or priest. The authors suggest that a combination of these factors coupled with a lack of clinician multicultural awareness, serves as a powerful force keeping individuals of ethnic and racial backgrounds from utilizing counseling services (Kerney,Draper, & Baron, 2005). Due to these factors the researchers hypothesized that ethnic and racial minority participation in counseling services will be lower than that of their Caucasian counterparts. Furthermore they suggest that ethnic and racial minorities will present for counseling services with increased severity of symptomatology. Lastly researchers propose that Caucasians students will report more positive outcomes than minority students even when severity and number of session are controlled.
In order to test their hypothesis researchers gathered students who attended colleges that are part of the Research Consortium of Counseling and Psychological Services, a collection of state run institutions focused on furthering the efforts of university research. One thousand one hundred and sixty six Participants were selected based off the criteria that they had filled out the intake questionnaire correctly, and had completed enough outcome measures to be considered useful using

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