
Multiple Myeloma Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Carlos Bustamante & Alex Verdult

Mrs. Gomez

Block 2: Anatomy & Physiology

28 October 2017

Multiple Myeloma Cancer

Myeloma aka Multiple Myeloma:

Myeloma is a cancer that is made in a white blood cell called plasma. The lifetime risk of getting myeloma is 1 in 143 people. Plasma cells support the body by fighting infections by producing immunoglobulin that recognizes and defends against germs. Multiple myeloma produces the cancer cells to gather up in the body’s bone marrow, in which they round up and overthrow the healthy blood cells. The 4 Stages:
Stage I: Patients with myeloma “stage 1” don't show any symptoms because there are not that many cancer cells in the body. If myeloma has interacted with the kidney function, the effect may be considerable worse than of the stage where it is at. Characteristics of stage 1 include the following: …show more content…

• amount of calcium in the body seem to be normal • the levels for M protein in the blood/urine are lower than usual • Cannot see any visual bone damage on any X-rays or maybe only 1 bone lesion is visible

Stage II: There are more visible cancer cells throughout the body. If any kidney function is affected, the effect may be worse than of the what the cancer is actually at. Criteria of the 2 do not relate to any other stages such as 1 or 3 stage 2 has more problems than 1 but not as many as stage 3.

Stage III: Many cancer cells are present in the body at stage III. Factors characteristic of this stage include: • Anemia •

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