
Muscle Anaabolism

Decent Essays

1 Introduction
Exercise has been repeatedly shown to have a strong relationship with intra-muscular protein metabolism. Muscular hypertrophy is only possible when net anabolism occurs (Tipton et al., 2004). As a result, many athletes turn to supplementation to ensure there is positive protein balance in their diet to increase the opportunity for hypertrophy and performance optimisation. Habitually athletic people have been shown to have a higher protein requirements (Campbell et al., 2007),however the International Society of Sports Nutrition acknowledges that this higher requirement is possible to achieve through a “balanced diet”, it goes on to state that protein supplementation is also an practical way to ensure adequate protein intake (Campbell …show more content…

Types of animal protein include whey and casein, while soy is the most common form of animal protein. This review will focus on the effect of whey and casein on muscle metabolism (specifically anabolism) after resistance training in trained athletes. The review will also focus on the previous training of participants, as previous pieces of literature have suggested that neural adaptations in beginners can often account for strength gains (Sale, 1988). Other literature also suggests a disparity between resistance trained athletes and non-resistance trained athletes, with studies such as (Tipton et al., 1996) showing resistance training has no impact on protein synthesis, while other studies tested untrained adults and found a significant increase in protein synthesis (Phillips et al., …show more content…

(Tang et al., 2009) demonstrates a significant difference in muscle protein synthesis between casein and whey group, however (Wilborn et al., 2013) found no significant difference in strength measures over 8 weeks. One would assume that if (Tang et al., 2009) results were extended over a 8 week period, it would yield significant strength gain. (Tipton et al., 2004) goes some way to explaining this. The study demonstrates the short, intense nature of whey protein on leucine concentration relative to casein, which was induced a significantly lower leucine concentration, however remained significantly above the control group levels for longer than

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