1. MY CHANGE PROJECT IS (two to four sentence summary):
I have been a Big Sister for five years and it is great non-profit organization for young girls to receive a positive role model. Now, the little girl that I started out with since she was 11 years old, is now 16 years old. My change project is to ensure that there are activities that can cater around the interest of the young teenagers. After knowing what is that inspires them after graduating from high school, they can speak with professional in that field of work and learn what they need to do achieve that goal.
There are currently activities already in place for teenagers but it is not enough. Every teenager has their own unique interest and they have their own
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My action plan is to communicate with all of the teenagers that are in the program and find out what are their plans after high school. Then, I would start communicating with different organizations that are willing to take time from their day and speak with the teenagers about their job and what educational goals they need to achieve to be able to work in that profession. Finally, have the young teenagers tour the workplace so that they can see first-hand what their interest is all about.
First, I will communicate the idea with my coordinator match specialist about the idea and see if I can speak with the different boards of the program to get their approval.
I believe that there will not be any resistance from the board as they are always welcome for new ideas in making this organization a better place for the girls in Boston. However, if there is some resistance, I will keep trying and meet with the CEO of the organization and let her know that this is a great opportunity for young girls who are transitioning out of the program and maybe becoming Big Sisters
My current DFS is a non-profit organization that serves youth from grade 6-9; it is an after-school drop-in center that welcomes various population. The Cornerstone youth center was established in 1994; however, it has closed and re-opened throughout the years due to lack of funding. All our funds are provided by grants, fundraising, and donations; because of limited resources, Cornerstone has limited services. The primary service that we provide is preventive programming, where each program is designed to meet the developmental asset needs outlined by the youth attending cornerstone. The programs come in the form of craft, activities, presentations, discussions and guest speakers. Our programs are designed to act as preventative measures to build resiliency to both resolve current issues, as well as ensure the youth are better equipped
The human resources department needs to revisit some of their decisions to strength their portion of the structure and better the company for the future. The high turnover rate has caused lack of employee motivation, low morale and with pay levels below their competitors’standards; there is lack of structure in the performance review process within the entire company. These issues can be corrected by creating a coaching, feedback process, and
After World War I, Adolf Hitler was one of the dictators that arose; which then gained power in Germany in its Great Depression. Hitler rose to power using techniques such as propaganda, censorship, charisma and terror, but that was not all he did. Hitler started his own fascist party in Germany and called it the Nazi Party. Later, Hitler developed anti-semitism, or prejudice against Jews and dehumanized them. He viewed Jews as a separate race not a religion. This caused many changes particularly to the Jews. During World War I the Nazi’s treatment of the Jews caused political, economic, and social changes.
2. Leatherbarrow, C., Fletcher, J. & Currie, D. (2010) Introduction to Human Resource Management. 2nd Edition. London: CIPD
The program pairs a college woman with an at-risk middle school girl for a semester of mentoring, leadership skill development, and relationship building to encourage the girls to make positive goals and successes. This program inspired me to join our chapter’s committee for the March to College Day. I want to continue to help and inspire young students to succeed and become leaders in their communities with the help of NSCS. An idea and project I have for our chapter is a fall or winter event dedicated to help people in need during the winter months. Our chapter could help the non-profit organization, Project Linus, by creating and providing homemade blankets to children in need. This would be a great bonding event for our members because it allows several individuals to work together to create a blanket for someone in need. All we would need is felt squares, each of which will have six cut flaps on each side that will be tied together to other squares to form a warm blanket that was created with hope, leadership, and
She reiterated that this pilot program is not a money maker for the organization, but there will be a cost involved. In addition, the staff needs to confirm the cost for leader and girls; secure locations; think of what type of recruitment and promotion needs to be carried out for a successful result. Also, what type of resources to offer to the volunteers to help them in their leadership
Since June of 1950 the United States of America has been forced to undergo multiple changes throughout the nation. Our leaders made every effort to keep our nation out of another world conflict but with the growing communist aggression in Korea this has become all but impossible. While back here at home the suburban communities of nation are growing with leaps and bonds. We are seeing more and more women on college campus and the growing issues of civil rights is vastly becoming a more volatile everyday.
I shall proceed with the process as soon as the kids are properly inducted with the wanted ideas.
After viewing the experiment, my preference of societal change would be to improve the disconnect in social activity and human fears. I feel people live too much off their differences and for self-gratification than to unite as a people. There is a strong disconnect in social acceptance so some tend to refuse social interactions out of their comfort levels. I also feel that comfortability is acted upon more than responsibility and responsibility is taken too lightly. Humans have a tendency to not proceed on with our gut instincts because of fear of uncertainty and being wrong so a lot of dire situations, like the experimental example, goes ignored or
After reviewing and researching the literature with respect to organizational changes, I have come to the conclusion that organizations have always changed. When everything in the world is changing, organization cannot remain islands. They must change to face new challenges. Bolman and Deal (2008) claim organizations have changed about as much as in past few decades as in the preceding century. Bolman and Deal (2008) claim means that the change organizations have experienced in the last decade are almost similar to those they experience in at the end of the twentieth century.
What would I like to see change: In spending time thinking about living on campus it was really hard for me to find something that I really felt strongly about changing, however the one thing that does come to mind is the house of the dining halls on the weekends as well as the menus. Because first year students are required to have a meal plan, it is a hindrance to students when the dining halls are closed. During my first year as a student I was very active on campus on the weekends and every weekend I had to skip a meal in the morning because the dining hall was closed. I think that if Fresh Foods can stay open until 2am weekdays for students to have a late night meal, then Juniper dining should open up at 7am on the weekends to give students an option for food early on the weekends. Additionally, I think that instead of serving breakfast until 2pm, the dining hall can open up early and serve a full menu. I feel like eating breakfast twice a row for two days is not an adequate use of a campus service.
A need for growth in any organization to stay a viable entity must occur. Organizational change is inevitable. Just like anything in life, markets and cultures change which require constant attention and preparation. In order to be successful in any market, an organization has to be able transform itself to the needs for the market. CrysTel is no stranger to change. CrysTel is a telecommunication company with over 2500 employees and a gross income of approximately $200 million a year. Products included in there list of services include data cables, wireless solutions, and network development. The product profile is data cables, wireless solutions and network development. Because of the nature of
Defining Change Change can be defined as an event that occurs when something passes from one state or phase to another, the result of alteration or modification, to lay aside, abandon, or leave for another, become different in essence; to lose one's or its original nature, to make different; cause a transformation, or to make or become different in some particular way, without permanently losing one's or its former characteristics or essence. There are many different views as to the complexity of change. Some may believe change is an illusion and nothing ever really changes. However, the majority, such as the post structuralism theorists, believe that change is inevitable. Change can be viewed
It has been said that “Today’s youths are the force, the hope and the leaders of tomorrow”. We are the driving force for change and we live with the hope of a better future, we have the ability of not only being tomorrow’s leaders, but today’s as well.
There are several challenges with education. Some are specific to regions, district, and cites. Some are influenced by people’s culture, religious belief and even perception about education. Most of these challenges are hard to pinpoint, discuss and even find solutions. Yet there are several major challenges that are not only the basics of most of these more difficult challenges to address but are also very widespread all over Ghana and are the trigger to some other more detrimental problems. This paper seeks discuss how the mismanagement, distribution and access to funds have greatly hampered the progress of Ghana in not only reaching the UN millennium development goal to provide education to all children in Ghana, but also to provide them with good quality education. It also how addresses how the low qualifications or in some parts no qualifications to become a teacher and absenteeism by teachers affect the type of education students in Ghana receive. There are number of institutions set up to train teachers, however most of the cut off grades for these colleges are a bit lower than the average university cut-off grade point which is the major route for people who complete their