
My Culture Shock Experience

Decent Essays

The biggest culture shock experience I have ever had was when my mother, brother, boyfriend and I went to visit my family in Tucson, Arizona. We went to visit my moms brother, his wife and their son who had lived in Arizona for about ten years. I had visited Arizona many times before but it was when I was younger so I did not remember much about the setting or the people who lived there. I was not fully made aware of the lack of diversity surrounding us until my boyfriend, who is from El Salvador and my six-year-old brother, who is mixed white and black, pointed it out to me. I guess I never thought about it because I, myself am Caucasian so everything seemed normal to me…at first. Because Tucson is right on the boarder of Mexico, anyone who isn’t Caucasian is pretty much assumed to be illegal and ultimately Mexican, Maryland is such a diverse part of the country that when you step out of it you experience an immediate change in culture. While in Tucson I noticed that everyone’s ideal culture was very right wing. Most of the population there is mainly republican and almost all Catholic. Every school or church we past by was either a Cristian or Catholic and I had never seen so many Donald Trump signs in my life. Every where we looked there were bumper stickers and lawn signs with Donald Trump’s name and often right next to it there would be a sign about god. I have nothing wrong with people expressing their opinions and believing what they believe, however it is very

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