
My Double Standards

Decent Essays

My personality is exactly like a double-edged sword. The double standards set by my parents have forged me into this dual state. At school, my history teacher constantly warns, “I expect you to speak your thoughts in class and participate, or else I’m docking points.” So I do. I force myself to provide deep, insightful comments that contribute to the discussion, even though I could care less about the topic at hand. But in a culture where talking back to one’s parents is considered taboo, I restrict my comments at home. I am expected to obey and listen, and talking back results in a look of disapproval. Since I respect my parents, I try my best to listen to their wishes. While it may be necessary for me to be respectful as my parent’s child, …show more content…

My parents are always leaving me at a stalemate. I’m involved in ASB activities and sports that demand most of my time. During the week, my mom is driving me back and forth to school several times a day. She also takes me to my practices and games every weekend. However, each ride is accompanied with complaints about how often I’m required to go to school for my extracurriculars. With a questioning glance, she asks, “Do you really need to go to practice today?” I then immediately retort, “Well duh. If you were listening, you would’ve realized that I’ve told you it’s mandatory a hundred damn times.” Or at least I wish I could say that. Instead, I respond with a lame “sorry for causing you trouble.” Times like these make me wonder why I was encouraged to get involved in extracurricular activities in the first place. Surely she must have realized that I’m not going to drive myself to these places? After all, I can’t even drive. Which is another thing that pisses me off. My parents constantly complain about giving rides to me, even though they know that it’s unavoidable. I’m nearly sixteen years old and I spend a lot of time outside and yet, that’s still not enough for them. I could have received my driver’s permit by now, but my parents claim that it’s unnecessary. Unnecessary my ass. Complaints and a reluctant tone tell me otherwise. These type of complaints make me reconsider starting a community service club. I want to benefit others, but it’s obviously not

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