
My English 100 Class

Decent Essays

Improvement English 100 has been one of the classes that I have learned the most out of. I felt the challenge there was in writing, but with my professor Barbara Goncalves who taught the class strictly was able to cover several things for a writer. The things that were very helpful in my perspective was the use of the grammar book and practicing the exercises. My professor Goncalves did a great job to teach the class, she was available at all time if any student was having difficulties throughout the lesson. Meanwhile, by the end of the semester I was able to see improvement in my content, organization, and grammar. In addition, my writing skills have not been my best area of strength there has always been some type of struggle for me to …show more content…

The moment I started this course, the class is taught to freewrite,map ideas, and outline our essay. These methods have been the most helpful strategy ever I could have been taught. After, being able to draught down all my ideas down in an organized outline I was prepared and had all my ideas together. Unlike, other times my ideas have always been all over an essay because some ideas would fly by and be forgotten which would take me more time to write a paper then the usual. I learned that in writing it is always very important to have some type of organization, so it leads the reader with a clear understanding of the overall theme. From here on I will always take the time to organize my writing because this method has helped me gain clear writing …show more content…

My professor would make sure that every day in class we covered a new material over grammar that many students committed. WIth the participation of students I was able to understand the proper way of a sentence structure and relating to other students whom have the same struggles as me. The grammar book has been my hero throughout english because I learn new methods of writing and how to better my writing. I look at my paper work done and I see the progress I have made with my writing due to grammar. At a point, I thought I knew how to write an essay but in reality I did not because there were so many mistakes in my sentence structure with one

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