
My Experience With Group Counseling Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Initially I was very optimistic about taking this class; intrigued by the idea of leading a group and curious about its intricacies. Although, I was naively unaware of the true complexities involved in the whole process. Nonetheless, I was willing to weather the storm; enthusiastic about the idea of exploring new ground. However, as I reflect on my journey, I truly appreciate how this experience has enhanced my repertoire of essential tools; necessary for my prospective journey. The benefits of this class are invaluable to say the least, considering the amount of knowledge that was imparted to me.
Overall, my experience in group counseling has opened my mind to a different world of possibilities and career opportunities. In fact, taking this class has really heighten my interest in pursuing a career in group therapy when I graduate. Now that’s not to say that I would not practice individual counseling; however, internally, I feel drawn to and more comfortable working with groups. I believe my skill set would be better suited in an environment where I could help more than one person with similar issues and concerns.
There are many reasons for my interest in group; convincing me to lean toward this therapeutic method of approach. However, I am compelled to admit, at first, I was very nervous about presenting my very first group session. I suppose I suffered from the ANTS syndrome. Yet oddly, after presenting, I felt a cloud of relief come over me; finally realizing that I

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