
My Favorite Book Analysis

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Down By The Station: Down by the station was my favorite book when I was little. This is mostly because of the song my mom sang with the pictures. The other part that would be entertaining to a kid is the bright colorful pictures of the baby animals going down, one by one down by the station

Inch By Inch: Like Down by the Station, it had a song that went with it, that I can still remember to this day. For a while this was my bedtime story every single night because I loved it so much.

The Purple Pebble: In this wonderful book, it was all neutral or gray colors, except for the purple pebble. As a kid this was the most interesting part of the book to follow, instead of the actual plot line.

King Bidgood: The illustrations were always packed with so much detail, so that every time I had it read to me, I looked for something new. My mom always had to wait five minutes to flip the page, because I wanted to focus on everything in the picture.

Are You My Mother?: A key thing I liked as a child was pictures and songs. In, Are You My Mother, it had simplistic drawings but bright colors. Something a four year old me loved!

Green Eggs And Ham: Dr.Seuss, a classic to all. Something all kids love, because of the bright colors and very, out there drawings. My favorite part of all of it were the rhymes. I was a very simple minded child.

The Little House: I did really love the drawings as a child, but for The Little House, one of the best parts to me, was the transformation the little

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