I have always been fascinated by the field of computer science, and that led to me pursuing a degree in Computer Science from North Carolina State University (NCSU). While at NCSU I had the chance to work under a computer science professor and learn a great deal from him. As a result of my prior research experience I believe that I will be a perfect fit for this Research Experience. Research has been an essential part of my academic life, and doing research has both increased my critical thinking, and provided me with opportunities to learn, and effect a change. Doing research has helped me understand what to expect from a career in the computer science field, prepared me for a future in computer science. Last year and a half I have built a network of professional connects, and learned to solve difficult and complex problems, and I want to continue that with this Research Experience.
My first exposure to research was when I joined EnvironMentors, a science and environmental science based mentoring program funded by the National Council for Science and the Environment. After joining the club in sophomore year of high school, I had the chance to work with and receive mentoring from two graduate students from West Virginia University(WVU). During the course of the year I worked on coming up with a hypothesis to research, designing an experiment, collecting data, writing a short paper, and creating a poster. The title of the research was ‘’ Low pH effects on Allegheny Crayfish
Computer sciences are so essential to humans that they have become part of us, impacting every aspect of our lives. Every day we see how society depends on computers to perform daily tasks, binding each one of us to possess a strong foundation in computer sciences in order to match the pace of this civilization. On the other hand, due to the new advances in technology, there is no need for social interactions between humans, shaping completely our relationships and social behaviors, making us somehow less appreciative of the human touch.
In the summer of 1995 Larry Page was 22 years old when he visited Stanford University as a candidate of a future Ph.D. student in computer science. Sergey Brin was 21 years old a second-year graduate student in the computer science at Stanford University. Sergey was a mathematical whiz, which was already pursuing his Ph.D. in that department.
Research is not an object that can be grasped within moments of opening your computer or book, it is something that you continually have to dig for and never be satisfied until you reach gold.
After carefully evaluating my skills, interests, aptitude and academic background, I have decided to pursue MS in Computer Science. I am a research enthusiast/Being a research enthusiast , and I /I would like to embark upon my journey to become a successful researcher through Master Program from University of Florida, Gainesville.
My first research experience was working in an zebrafish welfare lab at UBC’s animal welfare department. During my one year of experience here I worked as a research assistant. The lab’s research focus was on understanding the cognitive abilities of fish by uncovering the elements that motivate them. I assisted the primary researcher with data collection on a project that assessed the emotional lateralization in zebrafish when exposed to novel objects. Data observations were made via video recordings. I investigated this topic further for a research methodology class and presented the findings at an undergraduate conference held at UBC
Research can be a very scary topic when it is first introduced to a class, and I was that scary student. Research to me was like learning how to swim for the first time with a life vest on, and my heart beating 100 miles per hour because I’m so afraid. Taking off my life vest and diving into this research course has been very rewarding for me. I have learned so much in such a short amount of time. It has open my eyes up to a variety of ways I can start and conduct my research. Research is not so scary anymore. In this paper, I’m going to tell you about the things that I have learned and perfected while taking this course.
Research: two pages that will detail how we did our research. This will have an
Man, has forever tried to push the limits of his capabilities through technology and innovation. It is this struggle that has brought us to this era where a technological revolution continuously tries to reduce the struggles and complexity is his life or the life of other men. In many ways, I too have benefitted from the labors of other man. But now wish to play my part in the above transformation. Even though my work may be inconsequential in nature if it can help at least one other person other than myself I would be immensely delighted. To achieve the above objective I, choose Computer Science as my major as an undergraduate student at Florida Institute of Technology. Throughout my career as an undergraduate student I too have continuously challenged what I could do in my field and now. And now as I have ended my undergraduate studies, it is my central goal to continue my education in a more challenging and competitive environment. It is to serve the above purpose that I wish to apply to the Computer Science department at prestigious university to pursue a Master’s degree in Computer Science.
“In order to succeed, people need a sense of self-efficacy, to struggle together with resilience to meet the inevitable obstacles and inequalities of life”-Albert Bandura.
Since the 1980 's, the growth of the technology sector has been exponential. The introduction of the personal computer (PC) was the true catalyst for the growth in popularity of computer technology. With this introduction also came the growth in popularity of being a computer scientist. The code used to write the software for these personal computers was brand new and easy to use. What made it easy to use was the fact that the computer code for the PC was very similar to the English language; whereas, previous computers used punch cards as a way to program them.. This change was revolutionary because it allowed anyone to learn how to program a computer. This, coupled with the major computer advancements occurring in the United States, such as the internet, created the idea that becoming a computer scientist almost guaranteed you a job. At the time, this was true. The idea still is mostly true, however, many computer science jobs, usually Information Technology (IT) and other entry level jobs that involve programming, have been moved overseas. This shift to outsourcing is not very widespread as some people might think, but it could become widespread with the increase in quality of life and job availability in other countries. The outsourcing, while currently not a major issue, does have very real consequences for the future. Such consequences include lack of job availability for college graduates in the United States and, as a result, an increase in unemployment. Another
As demand for IBM’s PC exploded, other firms began to offer “IBM clones.” Compaq entered the
In the field of computer engineering many virtues can apply and many of them may change depending on the situation. The virtues will also be different depending on which part of the code of ethics is considered. For instance the part of the code that discusses “avoiding injuring others, their property, reputation, or employment by false or malicious action” has many virtues that could be applied to it. Those virtues could be care, caution, focus and honesty. To care about avoiding injuring others is fairly important because if an individual did not care or were careless then any project that they might work on could become dangerous to themselves or other individuals and also just not be complete. However if they were to care too much then the project could never be completed as they would find certain components of it to be too “dangerous”. In this sense the professional is overanalyzing a situation and believing that a hazardous outcome will happen even though it most likely never would happen. For the virtue of caring a professional would want to be in the middle ground by caring enough to not make the project completely dangerous and also to recognize that there is no way to make something one hundred percent safe. Caution is also a good virtue and is very much related to caring because if you do not care about a certain situation then why would someone be cautious. If a person were reckless then they would most likely cause some kind of injury or a defective product and
While financial analysts, government officials, and employment specialists frequently disagree on conditions existing in the American economy today, everyone concurs with the idea that a college graduates possessing a degree in the field of computer engineering is in the enviable position of being able to pick and choose among job offers with several major computer companies and other Fortune 500 employers.
“Ability is what you are capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it”. These inspiring words from Lou Holtz have kept me motivated towards my goals and encouraged me to aim high in life. After a good deal of self-evaluation I have decided to pursue a Master’s degree in Computer Science in my areas of interest: “Artificial Intelligence” and “Distributed Systems (Cloud Computing)”. This decision followed naturally after carefully analysing my academic background, my areas of interest, and my long term career objective, which is to pursue a research career – either as a teaching faculty in a university, or in an R & D department of the industry.
Having grown up in a family that has consistently devoted utmost importance to education and discipline, a focused perseverance towards achieving goals and ‘earning’ the right to deserve what you covet were qualities that got instilled in me since childhood. Be it implementing ambitious projects or learning intricate technologies; my proclivity to take up challenges and determination to persist make me a go-getter. My overarching goal is to apply my technical aptitude to solve real-world problems. With grave challenges that loom largely in today’s world, computer science holds the key to serve as a panacea. From natural resource management to environmental regulation and medical innovations to economic alleviation,