
My First Day In School

Decent Essays

It felt like it would be a normal day. I woke up hearing the sweet sound of birds chirping outside my bedroom window. It was my third day of kindergarten and I couldn’t have been more excited. I pushed aside my pink chevron covers and hopped out of bed. My mom dressed me in my favorite purple skirt with white polka dots, and a white shirt that said “SPARKLE” in big, bold, glittery purple letters. My hair was in two french braids with a purple bow at the bottom of each. My dad gave me colorful fruit loops with milk for breakfast and a small cup of sweet orange juice. I quickly swallowed it all up because I was so excited for school today and was yelling, “Daddy let’s go! It’s show and tell today! Come on I can’t be late!” Today we brought in our favorite things to school, and I decided to bring in my favorite color balloon. Dad giggled saying, “Abby, I’m almost ready, let me finish up my breakfast then we will be on our way!” I grabbed my balloon and ran outside. He finished while I was already waiting in the car. He opened my door, buckled me in my pink car seat, and then started up the car. The car ride was full of laughter, smiles, singing songs, and I enjoyed every minute of it. Twenty minutes later, we arrived at my elementary school and he walked me in through the red double doors. As I was gathering my polka dot backpack and pink balloon, he kissed me on my smooth forehead and gently whispered, “I love you with all of my heart.” Those were the last words I heard from

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