
My First Day Of College

Decent Essays

For many of us our anticipation of what the first day of college should be is less or more of what is expected considering that some of us have never been to college or are returning to college. The feelings that we have not only are similar to most but, are very surreal to a lot and can be overwhelming. Being that I am 42 years old, going back to school to finally accomplish something with meaning had me excited yet, questioning whether this was for me. To be on campus with the majority of the students half my age unfortunately made me feel vulnerable and old. I knew going back, there would be many changes especially with today’s technology and new updated curriculums. The feeling that you want to be ready for whatever comes your way was by far augmented and overtaking. Nevertheless, if goals and ambitions is what gives you the drive to better yourself no matter what age, the outcome will supersede any ill feeling you had in the beginning. A glimpse of my first day merely covers the surface of what I felt and experienced going back to school after twenty some years. As I pulled into the parking structure not only did I want to drive back out and go home, I was terrified. It didn’t help that parking was a nightmare. Not only did I feel like we were all going for the same parking space at the same time but, it felt like it was a race to get to the next open spot. So just when you think someone is going to pull out of a parking space you realize after waiting five minutes

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