
My Goal And My Goals To Be A Naval Officer

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My goal is to become a Naval Officer because I want to enhance my capabilities in order to serve and protect my country. Growing up in a household that truly respects all those who serve our country has greatly influenced why I want to become a Naval Officer. America is truly the “land of the free and home of the brave” and I aspire to fortify that fact. As Americans, we have all basic human rights that many other people in differing countries are not granted. Being able to speak and believe what you wish is a gift and being able to neighbor to those who have different beliefs and customs is immense. I am extremely grateful to live and work alongside people who are vastly different than me. They enhance my understanding of people everyday. All citizens in America have equal opportunity to achieve prosperity. Now more than ever before, people are accepted for who they are and whom they want to be. Women are developing as significant leaders. Men can care for other men. Minorities have a more profound voice in the economic circular flow now more than ever before. Social norms are evolving to become inclusive. Take the operation of a home, for example, homes are financially and lovingly supported as a team effort by both spouses. These are just a few characteristics of the country I would be more than proud to represent and protect every day of my service and far beyond. By being a Naval Officer I am provided the opportunity to accomplish my personal goals and more. As a

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