
My Goals In My Life

Satisfactory Essays

Having goals is something that I have always considered when deciding what I wanted to do with my life. A short-term goals that I have set for myself are to lose 15 pounds by December 3 by eating less junk food and going to the gym 4 times a week. Another short-term goal that I have is to get a job by November 1 by applying to at least 1 job a week. A long-term goal that I have set for myself is to buy myself a 2012 Honda Civic by Januray 2019 by saving 50 dollars out of every paycheck I have until then. Another long-term goal I have is to graduate on time in 2021 by studying at least 5 hours per week for every class that I am taking and turning in all of my assignments on time. The reason why I want to lose 15 pounds is because I have always heard about the horrible curse of freshman fifteen. I believe that this curse is something that is true. Since I have been in college, I have gained 14 pounds and I refuse to gain another pound. Whenever I go to wags dining room to eat, I always end up getting something from the grilled section, which is just a bunch of grease and junk food. This is something that I have to stop doing. Instead of eating from that section, I told myself that I will now eat from the salad bar or where the wraps are. Oh, and I will defintely not go and eat from the pizza area. I have always been the type of person that has a more petite frame, but always had thicker thighs that are not proportional to my body. That is one of my main insecuirties as well.

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