
My Observation At My Work Place, Alex And Ani

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In my observation study, I observed at my work place, Alex and Ani. Alex and Ani is a jewelry store. I was observing for about six hours total. I took notes on one of our manager laptops. Sine I work there, I observed for two hours each, on three different days. Also, I interviewed one of the associates. I chose to make an observation at my job because we have an interesting mix of clientele that shop. I thought it would be interesting to analyze the interactions our employees have with clients.
Usual behavior The majority of people, walks into the store, and then greets the person working who greeted them. I observed that a third of the time a customer walks into the store, they tell the associate that they are “just looking”. Another portion is the people either know exactly what they want, or they have called ahead and put their items of choice on hold. Usually most people engage in a causal conversation with associates to let them know what products they are looking for.
In contrast, there was one woman who came into the store and started to share very intimate details of her life. She told one of the associates about her martial problems, and wanted to find a piece of jewelry that would empower her. In addition, she spent about an hour in the store, going back and forth with different workers, including myself. As a result, the associate that worked with this customer felt that it awkward that a stranger was telling her about how her husband cheated on her, in great

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