
My Personal Classroom Management Philosophy

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Section 1: Personal Classroom Management Philosophy As a teacher my goal is to challenge students, cover the required curriculum and provide them with the necessary support and resources that will enable them to achieve to their best potential. My primary responsibility is to promote students’ social, emotional, intellectual and physical development as they learn. I believe that prevention of inappropriate behaviour needs to be applied within the classroom to enable students to be actively engaged with their learning. Thus, teaching young minds is a role which I believe is full of challenges, responsibilities and immense satisfaction. 1. Theories of children’s growth and development I believe that understanding child growth and …show more content…

Piaget, considered the major turning point in a child’s life is between the ages of 7 and 11, referring to this age as the “concrete stage” (Vialle et al., 2008). At this age the child is now mature enough to use logical thought or operations but still not able to think abstractedly or hypothetically (Eggen & Kauchak, 2009). To accommodate these students most of my activities will purposely incorporate objects that student are able to manipulate, see and touch as an aide to their learning and understanding. Therefore, it is imperative that I understand the sequence of a child’s development as understanding theories about how children develop helps form a knowledge base in caring for young children and subsequently will help plan appropriate curriculum (Vialle et al., 2008). 2: Theories of behaviour and motivation My classroom management philosophy is based on a combination of psychoeducational and behavioural theories which, will actively provide an environment where students are engaged, motivated and display appropriate behaviours (Lyons, Ford & Slee, 2014). Using psychoeducational theories as a basis, I will create a learning environment that implements student-teacher relationships, differentiated classroom instruction with equal opportunity to learning and an environment where students feel safe, valued and that they belong (Lyons et al., 2014). These strategies will provide many opportunities for students to learn regardless of where they come from or

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