
My Personal Experience : My Experiences Of Education

Decent Essays

1. In school, I could never seem to understand as quickly as the other children around me. When I was 8 years old, I remember feeling sad, alone and wondering what was wrong with me. Then in my 3rd grade year at Wagner Holt Elementary School, my mother and father were told by a doctor what was wrong with me. They had been told that I had a learning disability called slow processing. Which makes it hard for me to normally process and comprehend information that I'm being taught. After hearing this, my parents quickly met with my teacher and doctor to discuss what options there were to help me overcome my disability. Next thing I knew, I was being told by my parent's that I learn differently than the other kids and that I had to be placed in a special class. Then shortly later, my parent's decisions had started me on a new challenging journey.

2. My journey began with me being taken out of my regular class, away from my friends, teacher, and everything that I had become accustomed to. Then being put in a new separate class for a few hours a day where I could receive the help I needed to improve my reading skills. When I first started the class I was nervous, with having to meet my new classmates and not knowing what to expect. Eventually this faded, I became friends with my classmate's and my teacher who made learning enjoyable for me. His name was Mr. Bradstrum, he would always be making us laugh and spent a lot of time helping us. It is because of him I started to learn to

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