
My Personal Statement On My Life

Good Essays

The other day, I awoke to the sound of my 3 year old singing, “I’m so happy, so very happy, I’ve got the love of Jesus in my heart….Where? Down in my heart. Where? Down in my heart to stay!” Although it was at 6am, and on a weekend, it brought a smile to my face. My sweet little preschooler woke up cheerful and singing about Jesus. Some of the many benefits of sending of him to North Texas Christian Academy include: coming home joyful, singing about God, and his cup overflowing with love. While it does require a lot of financial self-discipline for my family to be able to send my 3 boys to a private Christian school, it is worth the sacrifice.
In addition to my chirpy preschooler, I have a shy 5 year old pre-kindergartner. At the …show more content…

When we transfered him to NTCA, two years ago, albeit against his will, he experienced a new way of seeing the world, a new way of interacting with others, and a new way of learning. Although it took him about 4-5 months to begin trusting his teachers and authority figures, he came to see and experience the tangible difference that a private Christian school like NTCA can make. The other day he was asked why he loves NTCA, and he answered, “Because people care at this school.” As a result, we have a more trusting, more motivated, more focused young man because of the love shown to him and the caring ways of Christian teachers who minister to him every day.

My family has personally benefited from our investment in Christian Education and has been impacted in a positive way because of NTCA. I have come up with at least 7 benefits of sending my kids to North Texas Christian Academy:

Academics are taught from a Biblical Christian perspective, not a humanistic, atheistic one. God’s word is not only taught, it is valued and recognized as being “alive and active” (Hebrews 4:12), “God-breathed” and “useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness.” (2 Tim 3:16)

There are shared values between our home, our school and our church. Teachers and staff love the Lord; they model what it means to live for Christ. There is a consistency of values, of knowledge, and of purpose between what we teach and model in the home, and what the school

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