My Philosophy of Education
When trying coming up with a personal philosophy of education, I had to ask myself what the purpose of education is. To me, the purpose of education is to teach students knowledge that is needed to make it through school and to succeed in the world after graduation. Anyone can go into teaching, but not every teacher can teach. Teachers go above and beyond to introduce methods, philosophies, and strategies to help their students learn, as well as, retain the information.
The type of method that I plan to use in the classroom would be the inquiry-based method. The reason I chose this type of method is because it is hands-on, and I myself learn this way. On the first day of class, I will do a survey with the students to find out what types of learners they are. All students learn differently. For example: VAK learning styles, which are Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic. In order for me to have a mental note of how the students learn, I will seat them in groups based on which type of learner they are. This way I can make sure I apply different learning techniques in my teaching. When doing group work, I will mix the groups up with the different learners, so that they can be introduced to the other ways of learning as well.
I believe in the Progressivism Philosophy, which considers that the views of nature are ever changing. This type of philosophy helps the children to develop problem solving abilities. When the students come across a challenge, they
I feel that the goal of education is to open up a world of possibilities for learners. The purpose of education is to show someone that they have the ability to do and be whomever they want to. Education is simply there for bettering oneself and one’s world.
Along with that there are also certain philosophies that I will use to guide me through teaching, and the ones that I will be the most successful. They are progressivism, and behaviorism-positive reinforcement. Progressivism deals with making education more relevant to the needs and interests of the student’s. The teacher centers the curriculum on the experiences, interests, and abilities of each student. By this, the teacher pushes for the student to be at a higher level of knowledge; because one important aspect I learned is that Progressivism in the classroom students are able to solve problems similar to those outside of the classroom. To me that is very important for the students to take what they learned and take it to another level, even outside the
The overall purpose of education is not only to teach students about the set curriculum, but also to teach them to be individuals and creative thinkers. As a teacher one has to go farther than just to teach, you are a role model, a doctor, and most importantly while still having control you are a friend. I feel education is important because as a
The purpose of education is enlightening the mind socially, morally and academically. It is also to have knowledge about the world and everything around us. Education is Knowledge. It makes us acquire skills and gives you an insight on the things you desire to know. There are many philosophies that have been established already but my philosophy of education is that every child has the ability to learn and when given the opportunity the outcome is powerful. Education is a unique and individual learning experience to each student therefore teachers should be passionate about teaching and make an impact on each of their student. In order to get through to each student, a teacher must fully understand his/her job. As a teacher, you are assigned
I believe that every student has the right to learn and deserves a quality education. Regardless of age, gender, race, or ethnicity, as an educator, I will strive to create a classroom where my students feel valued as an important member of our learning community. Teaching is an extremely important profession which demands compassion, patience, time, and commitment. To truly teach is to instruct, encourage, communicate, and assess in such a way that students are instilled with a love of learning that they can carry with them throughout their lives. The purpose of teaching is to equip students with the knowledge and power to achieve and succeed with hard work and determination, while praising them through triumphs and encouraging them through failures along the way.
It is customary that on New Year’s Eve, we make New Year resolution. The fact is that we are making a set of guideline that we want to live by. These are motives that we seek to achieve. In a similar way, teachers live by philosophy. This essay focuses on my personal philosophy of education. It unfolds the function of philosophy in a teacher’s life, my view on the purpose of education, the student teacher- relationship and the philosophy which influences my views expressed. All of these beliefs make up my personal philosophy of education.
I have been in school for the past 16 years – including attending college and furthering my knowledge by observing other educators and their styles. Through the years I have seen and experienced things that I both like and dislike. I have seen a few philosophies that have stood out to me; that I believe I will incorporate into my classroom as a future educator, such as behaviorism and progressivism.
The purpose of education to me is to teach kids good morals, help them be the best
My philosophy is based upon my life experience, cultural values, interpersonal relationships, interest, studies and education background. I believe the core values of my philosophy will not change, however, refined and adjusted to meet my goals. I believe learning is an ongoing progress and children are precious and unique individuals. It is this belief that drives my philosophy that all students must have the opportunity to learn and be respected.
My personal philosophy of education as a teacher is to have the kind of elementary classroom in which students feel safe, welcome, curious, and happy. This can be done by implementing some of the techniques found in Teach Like A Champion by Doug Lemov. Some of the techniques that I plan on implementing are the techniques of: stretch it, format matters, and warm/strict. One way in which I would make my students feel safe is by implementing some of the ideas found in Is everyone really equal? by Ӧzlem Sensoy and Robin DiAngelo. As a teacher, it’s important to help a student understand where they are in relation to others while not placing judgment. Above all, it is important for the student to learn respect for self and others.
Every school teacher has their own set of related beliefs--a philosophy of education--that influences what and how students are taught. A philosophy of education represents answers to questions about the purpose of schooling, a teacher's role, and what should be taught and by what methods. I truly believe that every student can learn when given the right tools to do so. There is much more to it than just giving them the opportunity. Students need to be given an environment where they are free to express themselves and be themselves. Nowadays the diversity in our schools are drastically changing and we need to be able to teach in a way that addresses all students. My personal philosophy of education is that we need to provide students with
My philosophy of education is that every student gets an equal opportunity to learn in a safe, comfortable and fostering environment. As I reflect on my teaching and learning principles, I realize that my mission as a teacher is based on the following thoughts: to enhance positive learning, provide equal opportunity to learning to assist closing the education gap and to use evidence based teaching strategies to present concepts in various modalities.
Education plays a significant role in everyone's life. The purpose of education is to better our society as a whole. I believe education expands the minds of children and helps to give them a guideline on how to survive in the world. The purpose of a teacher is to provide students with an array of beliefs and views, which will later allow the students to create their own ideas about what is important in the world. The main goal of most teachers is to enforce ideas that they believe will be most valuable for a child's life.
The purpose of education is to provide students with a knowledge base that will enable them to achieve their goals. These goals will vary from student to student, but an education will enable students to reach their highest potential. Education is a gift and a privilege that all students, no matter their social status, race, or ethnic background, should receive. Education should better society as a whole, and this can only be accomplished through the hard work and dedication of teachers.
First, the purpose of education is to inform children of what they need to know to succeed in this world. Education is important to a student in a number of ways, according to Johnson (2015) students need to be active participants in learning. A purpose of education is letting a student be engaged in learning something different to them, something the students will need in life to conquer a task that is not known to them. Pointed out by Johnson (2015) students need tools and resources, these should be provided by the teacher and the student should learn and acquire them for their own purposes. Education should be not just confined in the classroom and textbook, students should be encouraged to explore and research information beyond that. I will provide my students with the knowledge that education is something they need to learn, and that it is useful in everything they do.