
My Teacher As A Teacher

Decent Essays

“Okay students take your seats.” “Take out your homework while Miss. Cloud writes the lesson on the board.” “I can remember every day after school my sister and I would come home to play school with each other. I can’t remember a time in my life where I didn’t want to be a teacher; I have also grown up with lots of teachers in my family. Both my aunts on my mom’s side of the family are teachers. My aunt Tricia is a professor at Holy Family University. Although my aunt Tricia has six kids at home and loves kids she has always said she enjoys teaching older students rather than younger. That’s not the case for my Aunt Julie though. My aunt Julie is a teacher at a preschool. My aunt Julie always has the best stories to tell after she gets …show more content…

I’ve always wanted to work with kids and help them in any aspect of their
Cloud 3 lives. Whether that in the classroom setting, on the court/field, or at home, I want to become a teacher so I can fulfill those dreams and help others! Every child and every person deserve an education. Everyone deserves to learn so one day they can fulfill any dreams they have! Education is so important to me! The reason education is so important for me is because without education people are not being pushed to their fullest potential. If you’re not pushing yourself and allowing yourself to be challenged than you're not becoming any smarter and growing as a person. Every day I strive to learn something new. I’m able to do this by reading, watching documentaries, and observing. I’m not the type of teacher to constantly hit the books, but In order to push myself to my fullest potential; I have to continue to learn day in and day out. As a teacher, I have the mindset to try to have my students learn something new every day, and never want to stop learning! That’s why this quote means so much to me “A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill the love of learning.” “Brad Henry” This quote is the perfect saying for my cheating style. Teaching is a profession where you are constantly teaching young minds and you have the power to inspire them to want to learn and never want to stop learning. As a future teacher I aspire

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