
My Virtual Observation Essay : Educating Peter Essay

Decent Essays

For my virtual observation, I watched Graduating Peter from YouTube and observed Peter Gwazdauskas through middle school and high school. This documentary made in Blacksburg, Virginia. Graduating Peter has a setting based on the 1980’s educational system. Peter has down syndrome. In addition, Peter was diagnosed with depression. Also, I observed his daily life task and challenges.
Students Observed
In 1992 “Educating Peter” was released. “Educating Peter” was recorded while Peter was in the third grade. Peter was the first student in his new elementary school with a severe mental disability to be included in regular classes. “Graduating Peter” is the sequel to “Educating Peter”. Both documentaries follow Peter through school in a typical classroom setting. While watching Graduating Peter, I was able to observe his challenges at school and work. In addition, I was able to observe Pete in his after-school activities. Peter struggled, but never gave up. Luckily, Peter had many supporters such as his mother, teachers, a teacher aid, and a special education teacher. During Peter’s sophomore year of high school, he had turned 18, but still needed twenty-four-hour supervision. Pete was also still lacking friends. Peter had a few mood swings during the documentary. During Peters mood swings he would shout, take things from others, and would throw objects. However, Peter eventually begins learning boundaries. The summer after his sophomore year Pete’s parents pay a teacher aid to

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